The Old Airline as the house is called by people in Hofn is one of the fist 50 houses to be built in Hofn, at that time the family in the house also managed air transport and represented Iceland Airways, at first there were Catalina air boats but soon Douglas DC-3 took over flight to Hofn. The location of the house enabled them to see over to the Airport that was located on Melatangi across the fjord. These years there were no bridges along the south coast of Iceland so all transportation to Reykjavik were either by air or sea, both people and mercandise, i.e. there was no liqueur store in Hofn so all liqueur was flown in and every one had to fetch it down to the Old Airline, that rendered the house as an social gathering place in town. The Iceland Airways later Icelandair office/terminal was there until 1983, the same family still manages the airport operations, even though the house and airport have gone astray.
Few decades ago this was one of the most central place in town (still is) and place where people met all the time, on Saturday mornings men would meet in the airline waiting room to discuss matters of the moment and at that time of week it was called the Better lounge. We love old stories and the history, heritage and surrounding nature of town.